Important - please read before purchasing membership

  • For the 2024-2025 Season, CBVA is implementing an Early Access Policy that grants early access to registration for specific cohorts of members. This could mean that your preferred session is not always available for registration each week. For more information on Early Access, please see below.
  • For those who do not have an official rating of C or above: while unrated, rated-recreational, or provisionally-rated-recreational you will be limited to Sunday Rec (previously "D") session and five spots in each Saturday session.
  • Be aware: working knowledge of 5-1 is expected for a C rating. B session and higher expect fluency in 5-1.
  • To receive a rating, you must attend a ratings clinic (announced via Facebook), or be viewed by a rater during one of the above sessions. You may only receive a provisional rating in some circumstances until enough raters have seen your play. Please contact the Ratings Committee if you have a NAGVA or USAV/Yankee rating.

-The CBVA Board

2024-2025 Indoor Play Options

Saturday + Sunday Sessions at MLK

Come join the league in our “open play” Saturday sessions and skill-based division sessions (rating required) on Sundays! Teams are randomized (with balance consideration for skill levels and positions).

When: Various 2-hour sessions each Saturday and Sunday. Note that session times (and occasionally, cancellations) can vary week-to-week or month-to-month; check out the CBVA Facebook Page for updates.

Notable closures and exceptions:

  • Christmas weekend
  • New Year’s weekend
  • During League Tournaments
Before Play Start Warmup Start Play Stop Play After Play

Friday Sorted Play

To be determined

Set up nets when gym opens (if not already set up after 6pm clinic) 8:00pm 8:10pm 9:50pm Loosen or uncrank nets after play
Saturday Open #1** When nets are ready ~10:15am 12:20pm
Saturday Open #2** 12:20pm 12:25-12:30pm 2:20pm
Saturday Open #3** 2:20pm 2:25-2:30pm 4:20pm Loosen or uncrank nets after play
Sunday “A/AA” Set up nets, if applicable, when gym opens at 12:00pm When nets are ready 12:20pm 2:25pm
Sunday “B” 2:25pm 2:30pm 4:25pm
Sunday “C” 4:25pm 4:30pm 6:25pm
Sunday “D” 6:25pm 6:30pm 8:45pm Nets and equipment returned to closets, out of building by 9:00pm

** Starting November 19, 2022, all Saturday Open session players must be registered CBVA members — not guests!

Registration for weekend sessions opens at 6:00pm ET each Thursday on TeamArrange!

Where: Martin Luther King Preschool, 101 Kinnaird St, Cambridge, MA 02139

How much: $8 per person per session (NO CASH — pay in advance via TeamArrange)

How to register: Register online via TeamArrange (use code “CBVA”) as early as 6:00pm EST each Thursday. Membership required.

*Note: 2024-2025 memberships go on sale during the week preceding opening weekend

Format: See below “Rules & Expectations”

Cap: 42 players for 3 courts on Saturdays and Sundays, 30 players for 2 courts on Friday nights.

(note: there is a 5 player per session cap on Friday and Saturday Open Gyms for unrated players or recreational players)

Parking: Limited parking is available in the parking lot adjacent to the entrance we use to enter the gym. Do not park next to the dumpsters, under the building awning, or blocking the parking garage. Street parking on Kinnaird St. is resident-only, except Sundays.



Rules & Expectations

For more information on player ratings, check out the Ratings page

SATURDAY | Open Play

Rating: No Minimum

This session losely adheres to USAV rules, including doubles, carry, lifts, line faults etc. Working knowledge of 5-1 and 6-2 formations is generally necessary for these sessions. Players unfamiliar with 5-1 and 6-2 formations are expected to listen and learn how to play in formation.


SUNDAY| Rated Play

All our Sunday rated sessions (with the exception of Rec/D) expect players to be skillful in both front and back row, since we do not utilize liberos. This system enables players to practice a larger variety skills, improve faster, and provide equitable court time to players. Please be aware that CBVA uses men’s height nets in all sessions.


Rating: 90 or Higher

This level is the highest we offer at CBVA. Players are fluent in rotations, as well as mechanics. These players are skilled at reading the other team and adjusting accordingly. Most players in this session have college varsity experience, and have been coached for many years.


Rating: 70 or Higher

A session is highly competitive. Players are expected to be fluent in rotational systems and always know their place on the court. A players are generally specialized into one or two positions. A players are effective when executing the skills related to their specialty from both the front and back row. For example, an A hitter will likely get a kill off a good set and should only rarely hit out or into the net. The game at this level is significantly faster and more aggressive than in a B session. Players can run plays on good passes and can read the other team on out-of-system plays.


Rating: 50 or Higher

B session is competitive. Players are expected to be fluent in rotational systems and not need any direction from teammates. A typical B player should be able to execute all volleyball skills (hitting, blocking, setting, passing, digging, and serving) with some consistency. They may have some skills that are stronger than others as they begin to specialize. In the skills relevant to their position, B players should be fairly consistent and make only occasional errors. Players at this level should be able to run plays with good passes and can typically get a kill on an open net.


Rating: 30 or Higher

C session is a competitive session and general volleyball knowledge is required to be a good fit. Players in this session typically don’t have any formal training but are fairly athletic and are able to move quickly to the ball and react to plays as they unfold. Players understand rotational systems (5-1 or 6-2), and do not need direction from teammates about where to be on the court. A typical C player can execute most skills (hitting, blocking, setting, passing, digging, and serving), but the results may be error-prone on occasion.


Rating: No Minimum

This session is recreational. Rec (previously called D session) is a good fit for players who have just started playing volleyball, and haven’t received any formal training.
All are welcome.

Early Access Policy

As part of our mission to prioritize inclusivity and ensure a supportive environment, CBVA is enacting a policy that grants early access to certain registration opportunities for specific cohorts of members.

These cohorts include:

Significant current volunteership with an organization that supports LGBTQIA+ communities (ex. These could include CBVA, Y2Y, Gay For Good, Fenway Health, AIDS Action, GLAD, MassEquality, etc)
Being a member of the LGBTQ+ community (confidentially kept, and voluntarily disclosed by the member)
Being a long-term CBVA member (at least three full seasons of membership). For Fall 2024, these were pre-populated, no action is required on your part. This means members who joined in (or prior to) September 2021. Partial seasons are not credited.

This policy is designed to strengthen the sense of community and provide opportunities for those who are historically underrepresented or who contribute to the growth and success of the league. We ask that members who do not qualify for early access respect this policy and recognize that it aligns with our core values of inclusivity and community-building. While we understand that some members may not fall within these cohorts, this policy is intended to benefit the league as a whole, ensuring an inclusive and thriving environment for everyone.

If you’re new to CBVA, and a member of the LGBTQA+ community and are interested in applying for early access, please contact us at community (at) cbvolleyball (dot) net. Please note that it can take a week or more for us to review requests.

If you’re otherwise sure you should qualify but cannot see the early access flag in your profile, please reach out to the same email so we may research your account. Similarly, if you are eligible due to significant volunteership, or wish to be connected with an organization, contact us!

Please note that it can take a week or more for us to respond to inquiries to this inbox!

Court Managing

In order to run indoor play efficiently, we require our general membership to support us by volunteering to court manage. This entails using TeamArrange to manage play sessions, as well as resolving any play and logistical issues that arise during sessions. Court managers are guaranteed a spot in the session they manage, and their fees are waived for that session! If you’re interested in court managing or have any related questions, please reach out to a board member.

Kinnaird Street entrance to MLK Preschool gym