Important - please read before purchasing membership

  • If you self-identify as LGBTQIA+, please reach out to the CBVA Commissioner if you would benefit from assistance navigating the ratings process or have questions about the league.
  • For those who do not have an official rating of C or above: while unrated, rated-recreational, or provisionally-rated-recreational you will be limited to Sunday Rec (previously "D") session and five spots in each Saturday session.
  • Be aware: working knowledge of 5-1 is expected for a C rating. B session and higher expect fluency in 5-1.
  • To receive a rating, you must attend a ratings clinic (announced via Facebook), or be viewed by a rater during one of the above sessions. You may only receive a provisional rating in some circumstances until enough raters have seen your play. Please contact the Ratings Committee if you have a NAGVA or USAV/Yankee rating.
- The CBVA Board

TeamArrange for CBVA

CBVA uses an app called TeamArrange to manage league membership and indoor play sessions.

With TeamArrange, participating in (and managing) the league has never been easier. CBVA uses TeamArrange for the following:

  • Registering as a player each season 
  • Signing waivers, documents, and insurance forms
  • Signing up and paying for weekend sessions, tournaments, and clinics
  • Creating and management teams for our regular weekend sessions
  • Directory of players

For more information, visit


How to Join and Register on TeamArrange

To join, use this link:, and to add the group to your TeamArrange profile, use code “CBVA“.

The annual membership fee covers the indoor (September – April) and outdoor (May – August) seasons.

If you join CBVA after indoor season is over, we offer a discounted, summer only membership covering the outdoor season.


Help and Support

For now, if you need help and support with TeamArrange, use the CBVA, Inc. Facebook page.