Ratings Procedure

  If you are a new, unrated CBVA member

  • As a new unrated player with a full membership, you will need to sign up for one of the season rating sessions on TeamArrange. These sessions are free and will last approximately two hours. Players with a current 3rd party rating may be waived* from this session (see more below).
  • We will offer our first two rating sessions at 12:20pm on Sunday September 17th and 24th, 2023.
  • Until you receive an official CBVA rating (or a provisional rating due to a current NAGVA/USAV rating), you will only be permitted to attend Friday Night Level Sorted Open Play (starting in October 2023), Saturday Open Sessions (capped at 5 unrated or recreational players per session), and Sunday’s Recreational Session.
  • During the seasonal rating session, volunteer rater(s) will lead you and other players through basic drills and game situations. We aim to offer the fairest process and assign a rating that matches your skills. Members of the rating committee will fill out an evaluation form for each player. This form will gather a list of skills which will be individually evaluated during a session. All raters forms, observations, and feedback will be collected to assign players an official rating.
  • We will finalize your official rating within 2-4 weeks or sooner. You will receive an email notification with your official rating.
  • In cases where raters do not reach an agreement on a player’s final rating, the player may receive a provisional rating. Provisional ratings are active for 30 days. Players will be able to sign up in the rated session corresponding to their provisional rating. During this time period, the ratings committee will continue to observe and discuss the member, provide feedback, and make a final determination, which can take place at the conclusion of the trial period or earlier.



If you are a new, unrated CBVA member with a NAGVA or USAV Rating*

If you are a new, unrated member, but you already have a recent NAGVA or USAV rating, you may share it with the rating committee before signing up for a season rating session. Default provisional ratings may then apply as described below:

  • NAGVA A and USAV/Yankee B or higher (men’s rating) players may be provisionally rated AA (90).
  • NAGVA BB and USAV/Yankee B- (men’s rating) players may be provisionally rated A (70).
  • USAV/Yankee C+ (men’s rating) players may be provisionally rated B (50).
  • NAGVA B and USAV/Yankee C (men’s rating) players may be provisionally rated C (30).

Please provide a screenshot that clearly shows your name, rating, and date rated to us at ratings@cbvolleyball.net and info@cbvolleyball.net. If you’re attempting to play in a rated session with CBVA, please contact us at least 3-5 days before signups open so we have time to review your request.

If you are an existing CBVA member requesting an up-rate for yourself

This process is now embedded into Team Arrange. Please log on and follow these steps to put your request through the system for processing by CBVA:

  • Click on the profile icon with your initials in the top right corner.
  • Click on “Sport Groups” to the left.
  • Select “Request Rating Evaluation”.

For up-rate requests, we will first review the request based on current observations and feedback, then proceed to do one of three things:

  1. Up-rate Without Further Action:

Your skills clearly indicate the need for an up-rate. There is no need for further observations or discussions amongst the ratings committee. Your up-rate takes effect immediately and will be final.

  1. Recommend for 30-Day Trial at the REQUESTED Session:

Due to either disagreement among the ratings committee members, significant variance in different skills, or other reasons, the committee has determined that it cannot make an informed decision unless the member is able to play at the requested level among peers of a similar skill level. In this scenario, the member’s rating will be temporary adjusted to allow for play at the requested level for 30 days. During this time period, the ratings committee will continue to observe and discuss the member, provide feedback, and make a final determination, which can take place at the conclusion of the trial period or sooner.

  1. No Change Without Further Action:

The ratings committee does not feel that the member is ready and no trial will be granted. In this case, the member is encouraged to reach out to ratings@cbvolleyball.net and specific feedback will be offered in order for the member to progress.


Note: for the 2023/2024 season, we may utilize a Ratings Session to view players for uprates. The ratings committee is determining next steps now.


If you would like to request an up-rate for a CBVA member other than yourself

There is currently no method to do this through Team Arrange. Instead, you should email ratings@cbvolleyball.net with the member in question’s name and requested skill level/session. We will process accordingly.

Please note the following additional points:

  • At times, the ratings committee will assign provisional ratings on Team Arrange, denoted by “~ (number)”. Provisional ratings are not final and are subject to change when a final, official rating is determined.
  • If a player disagrees with their rating, an appeal may be filed with the Board. The Board can choose to uphold the rating, request a re-rating, or perform a re-rating themselves. Appeal requests shall be submitted in writing to all of the following: the Ratings Chair, the Commissioner, and the Deputy Commissioner.

A player may not request an up-rate more than twice in any given season (noting that an up-rate request that results in an up-rate will NOT count towards the two-per-year minimum) and shall wait a minimum of 3 months between up-rate requests.